We offer the following accounting services, tailored to your particular requirements:
Annual accounting resulting in the preparation of financial statements.
Interim accounting resulting in the preparation of regular management financial statements.
Assistance and training with regards to the software utilised by our clients.
Quarterly business activity statement preparation and lodgement.
New business start ups and assistance with the setup of accounting software.
Ongoing assistance and direction.
Cash flow budgets and regular management reporting.
Feasibility studies.
We offer the following taxation services, tailored to your particular requirements:
Annual taxation returns preparation and lodgement for individuals & all legal entities.
Attending to registrations for income Taxation, GST, ABN, PAYG, FBT etc.
Assistance with BAS and IAS return preparation and lodgements.
Advice with regards to Capital Gains Taxation (CGT), Goods and
Services Taxation (GST), Fringe Benefits Taxation (FBT) and general taxation issues.
Assistance and advice with regards to Foreign income and the taxation thereof.
Advice with regards to state taxes.
Proactive Taxation Planning which interfaces with our interim management accounting services.
Reviewing of business structures to ensure they are operating in the most tax efficient manner.
Advice and assistance with regards to the set up of legal entities and structures.
Advice with regards to Self Managed Superannuation funds (SMSF) and the taxation aspects thereof.
International taxation with specific reference to Australians working offshore and earning foreign employment income.
Corporate Taxation.
Forecasting and monitoring of your financial and taxation position
Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF)
We offer the following SMSF services, tailored to your particular requirements:
Facilitation of the set up of a new SMSF.
Accounting services on an annual or interim basis and the preparation of compliant financial statements.
Preparation of all statutory requirements and assistance with reporting obligations.
Advice with regards to income streams and preparation of the relevant documentation.
Preparation and lodgement of annual income taxation return.
Liaison with fund auditor where necessary.
Preparation and lodgement of BAS and IAS returns where necessary.
Preparation of PAYG Payment Summaries and Annual PAYGW returns.
Attending to registrations for GST and PAYG where necessary.
Assistance with the winding up of a SMSF.
General advice with regards to accounting and management matters.
Advice with regards to the responsibilities of the trustees of a SMSF.
Audit & Assurance
We offer the following Audit & Assurance services, tailored to your particular requirements:
Statutory audits in terms of the Corporations Act.
Statutory audits in terms of the Associations Act.
Special purpose audit reports.
Trust account audits.
AFS Licensee audits.
Due diligence assignments.
Systems reviews.
Audits of Not for Profit organisations and similar entities.
Audits of Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF).
Business Advisory
We offer the following Business Advisory services, tailored to your particular requirements:
Advice with regards to the purchase of a business.
Advice with regards to trading structures.
Facilitation with the setup of trade & investment entities.
Arranging of due diligence reviews where necessary.
Projections and budgets for new and existing business ventures.
Facilitating of finance applications and related required information.
General Business advice on a diverse range of issues.
Estate planning and facilitating of Will preparation.
Analysis of underperforming businesses to identify the underlying causes thereof and ongoing assistance with the management thereof to restore the profitability.
Preparation of business plans and related cash flow projections.